
On 18th April I asked three questions to Dr. Sarah Wollaston, the high-profile and well funded Conservative candidate for Totnes. I'm still waiting for answers. In the meantime, Dr. Wollaston's campaign has censored and edited comments to her blog, and are refusing to answer the three questions:
1. Why was the internal investigation into the party's alignment to Law and Justice launched?
2. Why was the investigation covered up?
3. Why was Edward McMillan Scott MEP expelled from the party without notice or reason?

On this blog you can find all the links and correspondence.

Peter Harrison
Totnes Voter

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Waiting for answers

Thank you to the support posted on Dr Wollaston's website, calling for answers. The comment states I am "inviting response from a candidate in his constituency who has declared "I am committed to taking the views of the whole constituency into account and promise to listen and be open to arguments." Why then are his questions are met with the statement "This subject is now closed"? I will repeat the questions as I myself wish to hear answers. Why was the investigation into the party's alignment to Law and Justice launched? Why was the investigation covered up? Why was Edward McMillan-Scott MEP expelled from the party without notice or reason? Please can Sarah Woolaston explain what "the slide towards federalism" means?"

Source: http://www.drsarah.org.uk/chatmap/[see 'Alleged homophobia']

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